MaxiGlide Results

Snow Day!!!

Although I should be taking advantage of this wonderful snow day and studying for my next 2 exams (booooh!), I couldn't resist updating with my results.

I hoped that my MaxiGlide would arrive after I got home and I wouldn't have to wait another day.....and it did! I didn't have to all...literally lol. As soon as I signed for my package I got that box open and just about leaped for joy. When I opened the Maxiglide box however I was slightly confused though because although everything was in new packaging and seemingly new and unused, my Glider looked weird. The finishing on it suggests that these things are poorly made or I got one of the older XP models. It looks vaguely like the one on the dvd but isn't that how they do us consumers anyway? See one thing, get another.....Now nothing blew up when I tested it and judging from the look of a used plug they must have re-packaged it or they test all of the plugs to make sure they come on and work (willing to bet and trusting it's the second one). I watched the instructional dvd that it came with and as it went along the second time through, I tested a section of my hair.

Fabulosity! My hair had been taken down and combed out/detangled from my pony puffish do. I tested a section on the side and it looked good. I'm not one to heat style on unwashed hair, so I used the maxiessentials maxesse moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and before gliding I applied the beyond straight temporary straightener aka heat-activated protectant gel
It's not pin straight like most would think or hope but I was kinda hoping against pin-pin straight just a little bit. I didn't want to be unrealistic and be disappointed. I love the thickness of my hair and tend to miss it if I have it pin straight from getting it pressed and flat-ironed (I'll post pics of that from would have thought a had a perm! eeeek!!)
I have a hunch that the next time I Glide that if I use a higher setting (I used between 5 and 6 at the most, not really sure how to tell where the number falls b/c there is no arrow.....hmm....) and I go through once like they said (I'm hard headed and I thought the pre-stream part didnt count....or I did it wrong lol) that my hair will be pin straight using this. I've seen it happen on the hsn video but I dunno what the actual thickness of girl's hair is. Looks pretty thick though......


(blown out---look at my henna glow! lol)

After (MaxiGlide)

What do ya think?

MaxiGlide Hair Straightener

No.....your eyes aren't deceiving you. It says hair straightener. Don't get it twisted *haha* I LOOOOVVVVVEE my natural kinks and curls, but I also love versatility. I wanted to be able to straighten my hair myself without it looking as damaged as I know those hot plates make it (protected or not!). I was going to get an InStyler at first but that price!! And too many cons to name!! In my research I kept reading that it blows up and stuff. The pros didn't outweigh the cons at all for me. When I asked about the InStyler on the CN forums a very helpful chica over there mentioned the MaxiGlide.

I had neeeeeeever ever ever ever heard about a MaxiGlide. I was intrigued. She gave a link to a lady's blog who has beautiful natural hair and uses the glide to straighten her hair from time to time. I saw those pics and was sold :) A steam feature? Perfectly spaced ceramic teeth on one of the plates?? For detangling?? Ooooh yeaaaa lol **Don't be fooled though, you still have to do your own detangling before the little teeth do anything, and don't press hard....glide---so I've read**

I wanted soooo bad to be able to go to a store and get one but has bundles for the price of just the straightener by itself. It comes with a miniglide for those roots (ooooh! the possibilites), Maxius shampoo and conditioner, an after-shine product, heat protector, an instructional dvd, and a detangling brush :)

I wasn't home to get my package yesterday so hopefully UPS will try again after I get home so I can use this thing asap.

Reviews and HD pics coming soon....Promise


New Camera

So I finally cracked and bought that new Samsung camera with the dual-view feature lol. I've been needing a new camera forever and I definitely don't see the price on this coming down anytime soon. I have sooo many life events that are gonna be coming up (and of course hair pics to take for posting :) and I don't want to have to deal with the battery on the old one not cooperating or the pictures looking all gross and weird (I hate re-do's with a passion! so time consuming and the moment goes bad). My lil silver baby and I had a good 5 years while it lasted; it will make a decent back up camera.......

New pics coming soon, muahhahaha :)