Hello all. I have finally decided to go about doing my first henna test. I was supposed to write about ordering some samples from the Henna For Hair website, which was done back in April (bad I know) but school kept me busy and I forgot to post. Well....I ordered a few samples: two 3g samples of Body Art Quality Henna from Yemen, which is supposed to have a higher dye content than the BAQ from Punjab and Pakistan; two 3g samples of Indigo, to apply after the henna trial treatment to accomplish a jet-black color in case I'm not feeling the deep auburn that the henna is supposed to give my hair; some plastic gloves-henna and indigo are messy, I don't want orange-red-or blue hands lol; and some carrot bags-you know, the plastic cones bags Mehndi artists use to apply mehndi/henna art to your hands, arms, feet, etc. Today I just felt like getting it over with and seeing what this henna could make my hair sample look like. I don't really want to use henna for coloring but that is just one of the perks to going for top-of-the-line deep conditioning. That is why I want to have the option of using indigo to keep my hair from being too bright. From my research, the henna will give people with dark brown hair a deep auburn color and people with hair very dark brown or black a nice auburn glow in the sunlight but pure glossiness in regular lighting.I can't wait :) The true results shall be in by Friday--to see how deep it starts to get I mean. I will rinse it out in a few minutes, take a few pictures, and I shall return with part 2. I promise.
The henna sample, my hair sample from my brush, and the little bowl I mixed in.
I mixed the sample with orange juice. More details later
Now we wait.......
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