Greetings fellow Naturals! Its been a while.....almost three months to be exact.....and I have lots to share. First I want to fill you guys in on what has changed since my last post. I had just taken out my kinky twists and washed and conditioned with Burts Bees. I decided that straightening my hair on my own wasn't going to be very productive in the future since straightening it this time arround turned out very weird...really harsh. My hair looked normal in some areas but at the ends it looked like hell. Literally. So..I opted to twist my own hair and wear it in a wash-n-go ponytail. That didn't last too, too long because the Easter holiday was rolling around and I wanted to look presentable in the way that I was most comfortable: a wrap. Now I didn't go back to perms (yuck) but since I needed to start treating my hair better I to get it straightened to really get to those icky split ends. My new hair care specialist (hey Auntie!! lol) showed me the difference between healthy ends and unhealthy ends when I explained to her my previous traumatic experiences with scissor-happy stylists. My hair ended up shorter than I expected once she started trimming and shaping my tresses. I wanted to cry at first but then I told myself that it would definitely grow back and this time it would be longer and stronger. My hair came to my neck, midway I believe. It wasn't that bad to see since I had been there before. I was determined to keep eating right and keep taking my biotin supplements along with caring for my hair the right way.
After a few weeks of keeping my straightened locks, I decided to try a new product while doing more two-strand twists. Let me tell you, Organic Root Stimulator Lock and Twist Gel is the best there is! No petroleum or harsh chemicals, mineral oil, etc. Its basically all natural and it gives you the best looking and feeling twists and twist-outs you will ever see or have. I would wash and condition my hair and get to twisting. 2 to 2 1/2 hours later I was all twisted up. I took them out the next day to rock a cute, curly twist-out and loved it! So did everyone else. My husband really loved it. I kept that look going for as long as I could until I had to redo it. Then the middle of last month we had a wedding to attend and the curliness of the twist-out could not be manipulated enough to my liking soooo....I opted to flat-iron it out (after washing and deep conditioning of course) to see how much length (if any) had been retained. My hair was looking good. Not much too much shedding and not that many tangles. My ends always give me hell coming out of a natural style to a pressed look (I'm not super skilled at that yet....give me time lol) so my ends had to be manipulated to at least look healthy even though touching my hair told a different story......
So, I kept up with my DIY wrap for about 2 weeks until I let my cousin (another miracle worker in the fam, hey girl!) hook me up for some family festivities. And thats where I am today kiddies. A week after wash, condish, press, and iron, my hair is smooooove lolz. I plan on getting my second round of end-clipping sometime in the near future. Its amazing how much my hair has grown since the last clipping (almost two months ago) and I see my hair being back to the length that I'm used to (APL-arm pit length) in the next few months and even longer by the end of the year. I can't end this post without adding that my newfound hair healthiness is not only a result of clipping damaged ends and moisturizing and such, but it is also blossoming because of my lifestyle change of switching to vegetarianism. After a weird encounter around Easter, I stopped eating the remaining animals that I was so fond of. No more chicken, no more lamb, no rabbit, no ham, no steak, turkey....I can go on forever. I am officially a full fledged veggie-head and there is no going back. I drink chocolate whey protein shakes to supplement what I'm not getting from the aminals (I know its animals bay, that parts for u ;) haha) and I am also taking Omega 3, 6, 9 pills and a very potent multivitamin. I've never felt better. I still have my biotin supplements, so I will continue to take those until they're all gone; after I do more research to make sure I'm not overdoing it I may decide to continue.
That is all for now people. I have more things to tend to.
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