Henna Test Update

Greetings naturals. I just felt like posting but its not going to be anything elaborate. My henna test came out great so far. Just looking at the hennaed hair and the non-hennaed hair lets you know something went right lol. The color difference is obvious but its not auburn red like what was assumed to happen. At least not right now its not. I predict that the auburn color will become more apparent over time and probably after another application of henna. But for now the hair with the henna applied to it is more richer in color, kind of like a deep brown. My un-touched hair sample looks all dull and gross compared to it. That's sad knowing that it came off my head :( but oh well. Its from a brush....collected over time.....BUT I cannot wait until I get to order my henna to do my full head of hair.

I'll have before and after pics of my henna trials later.

Hasta Luego!