Time For Something New

So.....it's been a while. I've decided to delete the previous posts I had up here for various reasons, one being that this blog had no direction whatsoever. Ranting and raving about my problems wasn't doing anything at all. Fortunately, I have found my reason for blogging: my hair. I've decided that there is nothing better for me to blog about other than my journey from relaxed to natural.

I should have done this months ago, maybe even two years ago since thats when my journey began. I haven't relaxed my hair since July 2007 and I am transitioning from one state to the next via multiple methods. Searching the net for styles, reading blogs and forum posts about what has worked for others, and determining my hair type and how to deal with it has been fun and challenging all at the same time. It always seems to me that my hair hasn't grown any since I stopped using relaxers, but since I haven't actually straightened it with heat in the longest I can't really be sure. With all the styles and methods I've used since then, I've always managed to condition and oil as much as possible and needed. This lead to my hunt for the best, natural products there are out there (as well as pursuing a healthier diet with added vitamin supplements). Even if I wasn't able to do the vitamin deal, I always made sure to moisturize and condition my strands since having two textures causes alot of breakage with the dryness.

For anyone who's wondering (and for my own records), here is a quick run-down of the styles I've had since the last relaxer in July 07:
1. blow-dryed and flat-iron
2. wash-n-go ponytail w/gel
3. wash-n-go ponytail w/o gel, with leave-in conditioner only
4. kinky twists w/ hair added
5. cornrows w/hair added
6. braid out
7. micro two-strand twists (natural, with my hair only), curled
8. micro twist out
9. two-strand twists (natural)
10. twist out

Numbers 1-3 had been repeated numberous times before I actually got the kinky twists. The rest of the styles are more recent and will more than likely be repeated as well.

While I am transitioning, my goal is to do as many protective transitioning styles as possible. I have been trying to stay away from sew-ins but at some point I think I will. I was even considering it for this weekend, but after seeing a tutorial on how to achieve a better twist-out look, I may do the sew-in at a later date.

For now, my 4?? hair (not sure if it's 4a or 4b, I have a mental block on that info right now lol) is partially back to its natural state. It's fun to wash my hair and see the curls in the back and around the sides but irritating to not be able to do much with it at the moment except twist it.

I love my curls and hopefully by the end of the year my hair will be past my shoulders like it was back in 2003-2004.

Stay tuned, for when I return I will have another style to add to the list.....