Zillion Twists

How about it. I'm back just like I promised lol

Well, here are a couple of long overdue pics of my recent twiting venture. I entitled this post Zillion Twists because of how my twists look.....like the zillion braid extentions. Although this was done by fluke, I can absolutely see myself doing this twisting style again.

It's much easier and could possibly be faster--if you don't start late and take day long breaks like I did. The only problem is that the method to get to this look could be damaging. These twists come on the heels of my second venture with my new MaxiGlide steam flat-iron. I love that thing so much! It is a tool that will make you want to take more precautions with heat styling more than you ever would before.

Before twisting, I found that my relapse with heat had lead to the inevitable split end heat damage in various areas (mostly in the back....dunno what I did different from the 1st gliding try!?) I mean....this was that damage you could feel and frizz you could see. The side and front areas had some splits too and some were mad horrible yo! lol I decided then that wearing my hair out like that would cease until either the summer or briefly in the fall. I will be doing the Disney College Program at Disney World in the fall so I may or may not have to flat iron my hair for professional events/classes. I don't think i will though as Disney is open to diversity and I've seen employees with twists before. I need to work on my zillion twists w/o the heat part haha

While my ends are still very much exposed and are not curled up on themselves (I didn't use my rods or water for these!) I need to figure out a way other than search and destroy missions to preserve my ends. I'm going to try my shea butter but we'll see.

I give you my twists: